Lobos Rush Annoucement
We are excited to partner with Soccer Parenting for a club-wide competition for parental completion of the 15 minute course called The Sideline Project! The club with the highest percentages of parents completing the course will win! The competition runs from September 28 to October 30.
More importantly, the course only takes 15 minutes to complete and it will fundamentally change how most parents see their role on the sideline. As parents, we want our children to be healthy, happy & successful. Acknowledging a parent's role and tweaking sideline behavior will go a long way to achieving those goals.
We are asking all the parents in the club to participate.
To participate:
Go to https://Leader.TheSidelineProject.com/Tennessee
Fill out the registration form and click on “Take the Course”
Once you have registered for the course, your first name, and our Club name, will be posted to the Pledge Wall found at the bottom of the page.
Check back throughout the competition to see the progress of each club and how many of our families are taking the Pledge to improve the gameday experiences for everyone.
You will only receive credit for the course if you complete it.
With your help, we will be able to significantly support our efforts to positively influence the game day environments for our players, referees, coaches and all spectators. Together, we can be part of positive change in youth sport and a leader of change in the soccer community.
We are fully committed to providing the best soccer experience for our players and we can't wait to see them all enjoying the game they love this season.
Copyright 2024 Lobos Rush