Are you ready to experience a tournament like no other? Get ready to ignite your team's competitive spirit with electrifying matchups!
In 2024, we welcomed close to 200 teams representing 49 clubs and hailing from an impressive 15 states, including powerhouses from TN, AL, MS, AR, MO, LA, IL, OH, WI, IN, MI, OK, KY, TX, and FL. With such a diverse and dynamic lineup, every game promises to be a thrilling battle of skill and strategy.
From the budding stars of U8 to the seasoned veterans of U19, our tournament offers a tiered structure with gold, silver, and bronze flights, ensuring that teams of all levels find their perfect match. Medals await the champions and finalists of each flight, celebrating their dedication and sportsmanship.
Convenience meets excellence at the Mike Rose Soccer Complex, our singular venue where all the action unfolds. With everything in one place, teams can focus on what they do best: playing their hearts out.
Friday, March 28, 2025
Open to U8-U19 teams
Boys and girls
Minimum of 3 games
Up to five guest players are allowed
U8 & U10 - 7v7 only
$710 plus $20 GoSport fee
U11 & U12 - 9v9 only
9v9: $850 plus $20 GoSport fee
U13 & older - 11v11 only
$900 plus $20 GoSport fee
See payment options
and refund policy
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